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.. dropdown:: RBniCS - reduced order modelling in FEniCS
.. container:: sd-card-software-container
.. container:: sd-card-body-software-img-container
.. image:: https://www.rbnicsproject.org/_images/rbnics-logo-small.png
The **RBniCS** Project contains an implementation in **FEniCS** of several reduced order modelling techniques for parametrized problems.
**RBniCS** is currently developed and maintained at `Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore `_ by `Prof. Francesco Ballarin `_ in collaboration with `Prof. Gianluigi Rozza `_'s group at `SISSA mathLab `_.
Like all core **FEniCS** components, **RBniCS** is freely available under the GNU LGPL, version 3.
:bdg-primary-line:`Home page`
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:bdg-primary-line:`Source code`
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:bdg-primary-line:`Years active`
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Lead developer, 2015-ongoing
.. dropdown:: multiphenics/multiphenicsx - easy prototyping of multiphysics problems in FEniCS/FEniCSx
.. container:: sd-card-software-container
.. container:: sd-card-body-software-img-container
.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/multiphenics/multiphenics/master/docs/multiphenics-logo-small.png
.. image:: https://multiphenics.github.io/_images/multiphenicsx-logo.png
**multiphenicsx** is a python library that aim at providing tools in **FEniCSx** for an easy prototyping of multiphysics problems on conforming meshes. In particular, it facilitates the definition of subdomain/boundary restricted variables. **multiphenicsx** is the successor to **multiphenics**, a library with similar goals that used to target **FEniCS**.
**multiphenicsx** is currently developed and maintained at `Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore `_ by `Prof. Francesco Ballarin `_.
Like all core **FEniCSx** components, **multiphenicsx** is freely available under the GNU LGPL, version 3.
:bdg-primary-line:`Home page`
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:bdg-primary-line:`Source code`
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https://github.com/multiphenics/multiphenics, https://github.com/multiphenics/multiphenicsx
:bdg-primary-line:`Years active`
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Lead developer, 2016-ongoing
.. dropdown:: FEMlium - interactive visualization of finite element simulations on geographic maps with folium
.. container:: sd-card-software-container
.. container:: sd-card-body-software-img-container
.. image:: https://femlium.github.io/_images/FEMlium-logo.png
**FEMlium** is a library that enables visualizing finite element simulations on geographic maps using **folium**. Several finite element backends are supported, namely dolfin, dolfinx and firedrake.
**FEMlium** is currently developed and maintained at `Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore `_ by `Prof. Francesco Ballarin `_.
Like **folium**, **FEMlium** is freely available under the MIT license.
:bdg-primary-line:`Home page`
.. container:: sd-badge-next-text
:bdg-primary-line:`Source code`
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:bdg-primary-line:`Years active`
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Lead developer, 2021-ongoing
.. dropdown:: FEM on Colab/FEM on Kaggle
.. container:: sd-card-software-container
.. container:: sd-card-body-software-img-container
.. image:: https://fem-on-colab.github.io/_images/fem-on-colab-logo.png
.. image:: https://fem-on-kaggle.github.io/_images/fem-on-kaggle-logo.png
**FEM on Colab** is a collection of packages that allows to easily install several finite element libraries on Google Colab. Currently supported libraries are FEniCS, FEniCSx, firedrake and ngsolve. **FEM on Kaggle** is a spin-off of **FEM on Colab** to install the same libraries on Kaggle.
**FEM on Colab** and **FEM on Kaggle** are currently developed and maintained at `Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore `_ by `Prof. Francesco Ballarin `_.
**FEM on Colab** and **FEM on Kaggle** are freely available under the MIT license.
:bdg-primary-line:`Home page`
.. container:: sd-badge-next-text
https://fem-on-colab.github.io/, https://fem-on-kaggle.github.io/
:bdg-primary-line:`Source code`
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https://github.com/fem-on-colab/fem-on-colab, https://github.com/fem-on-kaggle/fem-on-kaggle
:bdg-primary-line:`Years active`
.. container:: sd-badge-next-text
Lead developer, 2021-ongoing
.. dropdown:: viskex - interactive visualization for firedrake and FEniCSx
.. container:: sd-card-software-container
.. container:: sd-card-body-software-img-container
.. image:: https://viskex.github.io/_images/viskex-logo.png
**viskex** is a library for the interactive visualization of finite element simulations within jupyter notebooks in JupyterLab, Google Colab or Kaggle. Supported finite element backends are dolfinx and firedrake.
**viskex** is currently developed and maintained at `Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore `_ by `Prof. Francesco Ballarin `_.
**viskex** is freely available under the MIT license.
:bdg-primary-line:`Home page`
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:bdg-primary-line:`Source code`
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:bdg-primary-line:`Years active`
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Lead developer, 2023-ongoing
.. dropdown:: The FEniCS project
.. container:: sd-card-software-container
.. container:: sd-card-body-software-img-container
.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FEniCS/web/main/assets/logo/fenics_logo.png
**FEniCSx** is a popular open-source computing platform for solving partial differential equations (PDEs). **FEniCSx** enables users to quickly translate scientific models into efficient finite element code.
:bdg-primary-line:`Home page`
.. container:: sd-badge-next-text
:bdg-primary-line:`Source code`
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:bdg-primary-line:`Years active`
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Member of the Steering Council, 2023-ongoing